Monday, August 22, 2011

Indian Institute of Management-Ahmedabad Doctoral Colloquium | INOMICS - Jobs for Economists. Economics Conferences, Courses and Papers.

Indian Institute of Management-Ahmedabad Doctoral Colloquium | INOMICS - Jobs for Economists. Economics Conferences, Courses and Papers.
Conference takes place:
Jan 07, 2012 - Jan 08, 2012

Paper Submission Deadline:
Sep 30, 2011
Ahmedabad, India
The IIM-A Dcotoral Colloquium is a forum to initiate networking amidst management researchers, share knowledge and learn from each other, and to explore emerging areas of research in management. Participants can send papers in the domain of Agriculture, Business Policy, Economics, Finance & Accounting, Information Systems, Marketing, Organizational Behavior, Personnel & Industial Relations, Production & Quantitative techniques, Public Policy and Public Systems